Another Year Around the Sun




When young, one candle was all I’d need
For I was only one, indeed
Now cakes with many candles I’d decline
Worried ‘bout my sugar intake’s incline

I’m an adult now, or so they say
Excitement mingles with sadness today
For many loved ones have left me this year
Intentional or not, it’s not always clear

Yet today, on my birthday, I sit and write
In a café, my thoughts take flight
It feels just right, this moment so grand
Celebrating my mind, still sharp and in command

At another table, a noisy crowd
But I’m still here, my thoughts unbound.

Photo by Jill Burrow


Happy birthday, Gita, twenty-eight years strong,
Don’t ever settle, you know where you belong,
Self-love is a battle, hard-fought and tough,
But don’t stop now, your energy is enough.
Let’s see just how far your feet can go,
Be patient, work hard, and let it all flow,
Thank you for embracing yourself so true,
Twenty-eight years, a treasure to you.

Palembang, 9 July 2023.



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